"I am just not able to follow through on my goals. Between work stress, family and relationships, I can't seem to focus on myself. What do I do?" Is that you? First things first. When we are on a quest to realise our true potential and hitting our goals, it starts with taking responsibility. It starts with accepting that the reason why our life is the way it is, is a result of our thoughts, our self talk and the subsequent actions we take or don't take. The challenge most of us face is that we always have something in our lives that is not going right and that affects our key goal. Take eating healthy, for example. Now when we say that "I am unable to eat right because my work schedule is hectic", here are the facts of it. WE choose to prioritise work over our health. Or when we say, "I am just not able to wake up in the morning", again, WE choose to not to do it because it is not a priority enough. Let us change perspective here. Your doctor told you that you had to absolutely eat well for the next few months otherwise it would land you in the hospital. You won't find a way to eat well. Or you have that million dollar deal to close and your client goes to the same gym as yours early in the morning. You'll find a way to be there at 6:30 AM sweating it out to get a few minutes of their time. The truth is when we want something bad enough, we move mountains to get to it. I'm sure you can think of a goal that you really wanted to achieve and you persevered through it against all odds. Be it achieving that A1 grade, getting that last rep in the gym, that critical report that your boss gave you only one day to do. Or the things we do everyday, cooking that meal when it's the last thing we want to do, going to work when you'd rather call in sick. We've all overcome challenges that were tough and the circumstances were not in our favour. And this is the big piece of the puzzle when it comes to persevering through all these circumstances. Taking responsibility - Understanding that nothing in our outside enviornment can affect our ability to hit our goals unless WE make the decision to let it. There is incredible power in taking responsibility. How? When you take responsibility, you take back control from the environment around you into your own hands. You're suddenly not a victim of your circumstances but a hustler who has the power to choose what they want. Because when you decide you're responsible for your own goals, you are the master of your decisions and not a puppet of your life's challenges. So here it is. Time will pass anyway. You're going to arrive somewhere in the next week, next month,next year and next decade. The question is do you take the responsibility to get to the destination of your choice or you let your circumstances decide where you end up? All my love, Ayesha _____ I am a wellness coach by profession and I help powerful people realise just how powerful they are. I specialise in weight loss and creating happiness. This question is a part of my FAQ series based on challenges my clients face on their journey of creating a healthy mind and body. I believe in you. Go be your best best. For when you are at your best, you give your best to the world around you. Stay amazing! ✨ Instagram.com/ayeshaa_thewellnesscoach www.wellnesswithayesha.com
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