Stress is known to spike a hormone called cortisol on the human body. Cortisol is one of the several fat storing hormones in the body.
You would have noticed that many times when people undergo stressful condition like a divorce, loss of a loved one or exams, they tend to put on weight this is because of the action of cortisol in the body.
Make use of these tips to handle stress better:
1. Get your vitamin B1
You'll handle stress better when your vitamin B1 is sufficient in the body. Get it from nutritional yeast! It's one of the best sources out there.
2. Avoid the news
News can be overwhelmingly negative for many. It can add unnecessary stress and fear to your life. I promise you, you'll find out if the world is coming to an end anyway.
3. Exercise
Exercise increases the oxygen levels in your blood and lowers stress naturally. Long walks are highly recommended. Brownie points if you live close to a park or a pretty lake.
4. Magnesium
Magnesium is a great mineral for reducing stress. Some mineral water and enough vegetables will help.
5. Vitamin D
Vitamin D is known to reduce stress. Get enough sun exposure or supplement it.